Autumn is the Perfect Time to Double Glaze Your Windows

You’re waking up to darker mornings and going to bed to colder nights. You’ve stopped using the a/c and started to dust off the slow cooker. These are the tell-tale signs of autumn in Tauranga and the Bay of Plenty. Summer is well and truly gone, and now is the time to plan ahead for winter. Here’s why autumn is the perfect time to improve your windows with double glazing.

Beat the rush

Many NZ households have forgotten about the discomfort of last winter and won’t remember until the cold returns. When winter arrives, there will be a mad dash of people wanting to install a heat pump, improve the insulation and, yes, double glaze their windows. By thinking ahead and getting your windows sorted out in autumn, you’ll be ahead of the curve and at the front of the queue.

A warmer shoulder season

Shoulder seasons in NZ can be unpredictable: one day, it’s warm and comfortable, the next the temperature has plummeted. We often forget how early cold evenings and frosty mornings can strike in Tauranga. By installing double glazing in autumn, you’re not just going to benefit from a warmer winter, you’ll be far more comfortable on those brisk autumn days, too.

Breathe better with less condensation

Streaky, wet windows are a common sight inside many Kiwi homes with single pane windows. When left alone, condensation can damage paint, joinery and contribute to dampness and mould. There are all sorts of ways of fighting it, from window vacs to the good old handy towels, but the best way to stop condensation at its source is to double glaze your windows.

A quieter home

A lesser-known benefit to double glazed windows is that it offers insulation, keeping outside noise out and making for a more peaceful sounding home. You’ll be surprised how much quieter that barking dog and noisy neighbour seems once you’ve retrofitted your windows with an extra layer of glass.

Improved safety and security

Double glazed windows don’t just keep the warm air inside, they also keep unwanted visitors out. With double glazing, there’s an extra pane of glass on your windows, making them a lot harder to smash and deterring opportunistic thieves who thought they could break in easily.

Save on the energy bill

Between the lighting, the dryer and heating, winter is a season of high electricity bills. One way you can save some money and energy is with retrofit double glazing. Because they keep the warm air inside and the cold air out far more effectively than single pane windows, your heating isn’t working on overdrive fighting a losing battle.

The cooler weather is upon us

There’s no denying that autumn is here in Tauranga and Mt Maunganui. Get your home ready for the cold by contacting Ryan Double Glazing today.
