Low-E Glass the Perfect Option for Winter Months Ahead

As winter approaches, maintaining the warmth and comfort of your home becomes a priority. At Ryan Double Glazing in Tauranga, we understand the importance of choosing the right glass for your windows to enhance the thermal performance of your home. One of the best options available is Low-E glass, which offers numerous benefits during the cooler months and beyond.

What is Low-E Glass?

Low-E stands for low emissivity, which refers to a glass’s capability to minimize infrared and ultraviolet light passing through without compromising the light that brightens your rooms. This type of glass has a virtually invisible, microscopically thin coating that reflects heat back to its source. This dual action of blocking certain wavelengths while allowing others to pass through ensures your home remains warm in the winter and cool in the summer, promoting a healthier, more comfortable living environment.

Enhanced Thermal Efficiency

The main advantage of Low-E glass is its superior insulating properties. By reflecting heat back to its origin, it significantly reduces the amount of heat that escapes during the winter. This is critical in helping to maintain a consistent indoor temperature, lowering heating costs, and enhancing the overall energy efficiency of your home.

Condensation Reduction

A common issue during the winter months is condensation, which can lead to mould growth and a damp environment. Low-E double glazing helps increase the internal glass surface temperature, thus reducing the likelihood of condensation forming. This keeps your home drier and healthier.

Improved Insulation and Energy Savings

Low-E glass not only improves your home’s insulation by reducing heat loss but also by minimizing solar gain. The enhanced insulation helps stabilize indoor temperatures, making your home more comfortable while also reducing your carbon footprint. The addition of argon gas in the space between double glazed panes can further enhance this effect, increasing the window’s energy efficiency by approximately 50% compared to standard double glazing.

Superior R-Value

Build NZ magazine highlights that a Low-E coated surface can significantly improve a window's R-value, which measures its insulating power. For example, upgrading from standard clear double glazing to Low-E glazing in a standard aluminium frame can increase the R-value from 0.26 m²K/W to up to 0.54 m²K/W, making it over twice as efficient.

Protection Against Fading

The UV-blocking properties of Low-E glass help protect your home’s interior from sun damage, which can fade fabrics, furniture, and carpets. This preservation of your interior not only enhances the aesthetic but also saves money in potential replacement costs.

Compliance with NZ Building Code

Incorporating Low-E glass in new home constructions not only meets but exceeds the NZ Building Code requirements for window performance. This makes it a forward-thinking choice likely to become the new standard across New Zealand.

Choosing the Right Low-E Glass

At Ryan Double Glazing, we offer both soft coat and hard coat Low-E glass options. The soft coat offers higher optical clarity and better solar control, ideal for insulated units, while the hard coat provides durability and is suitable for both single and double glazed applications. Depending on your specific needs, we can help you select the best type of Low-E glass for your home.

Whether you’re upgrading your existing windows or installing new ones, Low-E glass is an excellent choice for enhancing your home’s energy efficiency and comfort year-round. Contact Ryan Double Glazing today to find out more about how we can help you prepare your home for the winter months ahead with the best glazing solutions in Tauranga.
